Posts in Life
The Hum

The dirt floors begin to hold a carved-out path, as dust falls like rain in the streams of sun that breaks through the cracks in the broken roof. This place is familiar and with each step I fall further into my thoughts.

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Uprooting Lies

In life we experience lies, half truths and trauma. Before we know it, something less than our best has taken root. Sometimes we are unaware that these “weeds” have sprung up amongst our better qualities. Other times we know they are there, but like my daughter, you take one look and decide the work it takes to fully uproot it isn’t worth it.

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Restoration in This Old House

Friends, know this: If the Lord is knocking at your door with His love in hand in the form of reconstruction, it’s because He loves you and wants to move into your life. He can’t live in the homes we attempt to build with our earthly hands. He wants to move into the home that was crafted on a foundation of love, one that isn’t cracking or falling apart. One that is solid, built on Him.

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Living in Harmony

You and I hold the keys to live in harmony despite the world or circumstances around us. We can be a vehicle for peace — the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding. All we need is to change our perspective.

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LifeIvanna Barrera Comment

Rejection can be really damaging to us when we let it become that way, and sometimes we don't even realize it. But when we dwell on thoughts like that we are putting our value and identity into the hands of other people and not God's.

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According to Plan

If you’ve been disappointed, take comfort that God, who is always good, has determined to carry out His plans. It should be a joy to realize that God in His perfection and wisdom does not fail to fulfill what He sets out to do.

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Mud Over Our Eyes

There are things we are going to carry into 2021 and for years to come because these things we are learning, they are sticky. They stick with us wherever we end up. Lessons that took time learning, they are engrained in us long after we’ve pulled our feet from the mud.

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LifeNatalie LantzComment
Facing Forgiveness

I thought feeling lonely was my problem. It wasn't until that feeling became so overwhelming that I finally talked to a friend about what was going on, and they helped me realize the real root of everything I had been feeling was anger.

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LifeIsabel RangelComment
Presently Dwelling

As we enter a holiday season that will likely be filled with longing for the future or wishing for the past, what if we courageously held onto the present? Instead of idolizing the past or revering the future, what if we just took a moment to enjoy the imperfect, messy present?

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LifeSarah CallenComment