Dear Momma's - We See You

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The times we are in are unexplainable, I know. It’s hard. More so than what people are giving you credit for.

You are all thing at all times right now. On 24/7. 

You are mom, teacher, cleaner, chef, entertainer, discipliner, and on top of that you have to try to work?! 

This life right now is not the life you pictured or were even use to.

You had a schedule.

You had a carpool group.

You had job hours.

You had family hours.

You had some rest.

Now everything has turned upside down and been thrown to the wind.

And honestly ladies, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry thinking about this Mother’s Day is probably more stressful than it is relaxing.

You may be thinking that you’ll probably need to plan this day as well.

After all, who else will - your 5 year old who loves to throw dinosaurs across the room when his grilled cheese isn’t cut to perfection...think again.

I don’t want that to stress you out so here’s my solution : just don’t plan anything.

Don’t make this day more than what it needs to be. Just let it be another day. 

Be thankful for your tiny humans, sure, but allow the day to pass without worrying if you’re making the most of it.

Next year will not be this way and you can go big (and leave home) then!

Do not feel obligated to do it all.

Do not feel obligated to post all the pictures, or even take all the perfectly polished pictures.

If you want to sit in your pjs all day cuddled up with you kiddo to watch old cartoons, do it.

If you want to take a walk by yourself to actually get away for at least a moment, do it.

Just like our lives right now, nothing is normal in this season - Mother’s Day does not have to be extravagant.

I want you to be encouraged that we do see all the hard and long days you are putting in (even before March 28), but especially now that you are home at all hours.

Keep your head up.

We pray you are able to rest - even for a few moments, this weekend.

We love you and so do all those littles following you around all day.

Happy Mother’s Day,

The She Leads Daily Team