Empathy, Kindness and Understanding

Life is built around different perspectives, different ways of approaching situations or thinking. We are constantly going through our own share of struggles, along with the troubles of the world — dealing with them in our own terms and making our own opinions about them. It is not about criticizing, judging or claiming people to be wrong for the way they see or feel things. Rather, it is about connecting with them, seeing their struggle and what they are feeling, being considerate of the situation, and seeing where they are coming from. 

Empathy, kindness and understanding.

Feelings that are taken for granted and are overlooked in these times. These abilities are vital to our being; they are ways in which we can relate to one another and help each other through difficulties and adversity. Humanity needs to find it in their hearts to help and love others in their struggles, even through the differences. We have to learn to embrace these abilities and teach the rest of the world how important they are to humanity. 

Empathy, kindness, and understanding; abilities that each of us should put into practice to reach and connect with the rest of humanity. Being able to empathize over what others are going through, to share kindness during a difficult time and being able to understand the struggle of others. 

Connecting to the feelings and perspectives of people is essential to our existence; humanity needs more of this. Instead, we see a world full of hatred and division. Mankind is struggling to connect with one another and with so, hurting each other. 

Empathy helps us to understand and share feelings; it is when your neighbor loses something important to them and although it has not happened to you, you feel for their loss. Kindness is about being considerate, friendly and generous to others; it is when you see your neighbor struggling through their loss and in your empathy, you find it in your heart to help them or comfort them through their pain. Understanding is being sympathetic and aware of the feelings of others; it is when you know your neighbor is hurting and you see them in their pain. 

These abilities are really attributes that we need more of in our society. The world would be in a completely different state if everyone walked with these beliefs in their hearts. Less division and more unity. Less fighting and more peace. Less hate and more love. A world where we would not fear, but trust and aside from our differences — have common ground. To be able to treat others with care and respect, and be there for them in their time of need. These three attributes would change the world as we know it and make a difference in our society. 

Maybe the rest of the world does not see or act on these abilities, but we have the power to teach others through actions and inscribe it into the hearts of the younger generations. There is a saying I like to live by, “Always be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Let's be kind, always. Through our kindness we are showing empathy and understanding. Care about others, help people, love humanity, give what you can, do what you can. 

By doing all these things, you are helping mankind and you are showing them that there is hope, connecting with their hearts. “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” (1 Peter 3:8) Jesus tells us about this: to have a tender heart and be empathetic, to have sympathy and be kind, to have a humble mind and understand the circumstances of people, and to have unity of mind, a connection with others — a brotherly (or sisterly) love. Ultimately we are all God's creations, and although we are different and from distinct places, we are all the same. Stand up for the ones who are suffering and respect others for their beliefs. We must learn and teach that our existence requires a greater connection with one another. Even when there are differences, we must be tolerant in the good fight. Our actions speak louder than words and in order to teach the rest of the world, it requires us to stand up and help when our brothers and sisters are in distress. 

The Bible teaches us that we must be good to one another, love each other with “brotherly love.” I fear that the world is losing this, losing the value we have in each other. Day after day, more and more division, more hatred. Differences are tearing us apart when, instead, what we have in common should be bringing us together. If your neighbor suffers, mourn with them; that is empathy. If your neighbor needs help, lend them a generous hand; that is kindness. If your neighbor is in pain, sympathize with their agony; that is understanding. Carry these attributes with you, in your heart. Use them for others to see and teach the world that there is hope. Being there for one another, creating a connection, it can make a difference.