Posts in Faith
Accepting Freedom Without Shame

Society will scream at you to conform to her standards. If you haven’t accomplished xyz by age abc, you’re a failure. You must be working 25/8, hashtag team no sleep. As women, we’re bombarded constantly with all the ways we could be better and do better because we’re either not enough or too much in our current state.

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Finding Your Purpose

Finding your purpose in life isn’t about having all of the answers right here and right now. It is about becoming who God created you to be and doing what He has called you to do, right now.

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FaithNatalia Crawford
Pursuing God's Plan

Each and every single one of us was placed on this earth with a plan and a purpose orchestrated by God. He has placed passions and desires within each one of us that unveil the calling that He has destined for.

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FaithNatalia Crawford
The Ministry of Open Adoption

Adoption is not just about us, and it’s not just about that child. It’s also about the third member of the adoption triad. What a tremendous opportunity to share God’s love and grace. What a chance to serve someone in great need of support, love, and commitment. 

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FaithKathie Harris
Pursuing Purpose

God uses all talents, to share the gospel. Pursue your calling today, and remember that God made you unique. Your life may look totally different than you thought it would right now, but I am encouraging you to not abandon that dream in your heart, to not look at the success of others and compare yourself, and to not let time limit the calling you have on your life. Start today.

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