Examining the Coexist Culture

Our neighbors are the very people practicing the religions listed on the Coexist bumper sticker. We are called to love them, and with love, there is no room for hate, bigotry, or pride.  If we do not first point our hearts and minds toward loving God and others, we won’t honor God and our message will return void. 

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Character Study: Rahab

I see that she was tired of things being the way they had always been, that she was terrified of what the future held, and that she chose to believe that a different life was possible, that she could get out of these less than ideal circumstances. And as a result, I see that her obedience paid off, not only for her and her family in the moment, but for generation after generation, all the way to you and me.

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Note to Self

It is the little things we cultivate that become the big things we live. Start today by keeping a positive outlook and surrounding yourself with the Lord, even if only by a simple note.

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It is a struggle to glorify God in every single moment of each day, you are not alone. With the ebbs and flows of our ever-changing emotions based on what happens throughout our day, we often focus too little on God. How can we, as daughters of the Most High, create a life that points back to Him in our everyday? Join us this quarter as we dive into the theme, “Magnify.”

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Kayla ElderComment

Sanctification is not linear, we will sin and we will fall. A constant war rages inside each of us daily, to choose ourselves or to choose Jesus. The Holy Spirit is our guide to overcoming and defeating sin and destructive behaviors. The more we give to God, the more He reveals to us and in turn the greater impact we will have on the kingdom. 

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In a Funk

Cultivating a habit of discipline is necessary for achieving goals and seeing all that God has for us. Discipline is not like legalism that makes life small, but it’s a habit that makes life big. Discipline is the mark of true maturity. 

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Train Not Try

You can’t just wake up one day and decide to run a marathon if you have never run before. You can’t lose weight and build muscle by sitting around. You don’t go to a foreign country and speak their language without learning it. The list could go on and on forever but the point was everything we do, every day, we have to work toward, why would our walk with the Lord be any different?

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